Transcript: Body Matches
JACKIE: We’re looking for body matches. If another part of my body matches my foot then we can use the suspect’s footprints to tell us more about the suspect.
JACKIE: Okay. Cut this string so it’s the same length as my foot. Matt finds a pair of scissors and hands them to Inez.
MATT: Here, you can use these scissors.
JACKIE: Let’s see if it’s length matches some part of my body.
JACKIE: Nope. Nope.
MATT: Try my calf, Jax.
INEZ: I don’t think it works that way, guys.
INEZ: Matt’s taller. Jackie, you’re shorter than Matt and your foot is smaller too, remember? I think you have to use your own foot measure on your own body parts.
MATT: This leaf’s the same length as my foot - I’ll measure with this.
MATT: No, I don’t see a match anywhere. Not here either. He lifts the leaf in front of his face.
JACKIE: Matt, freeze! Jackie moves the leaf so it’s flush with Matt’s head. It’s the same height.
JACKIE: You won’t believe it! Your head and the leaf measure the same!
MATT: You’re kidding! My head is the same length as my foot?
INEZ: Yep. And my head is the same length as my foot! Inez puts the twig to her foot. It’s the same length.
JACKIE: Bingo! We’re different sizes - but we all have the same kinda match. The lengths of our heads match our feet!
MATT: So some parts of our bodies are the same length as others!
INEZ: And if it’s true for us - I bet it’s true for everybody!
MATT: Well now we know how tall our suspect least from the neck up!
JACKIE: We’re on a roll, guys. Didge! Keep a record of our matches.
DIGIT: Are you kidding me? I’ve got enough to do!
MATT: C’mon, Didge, write ‘em down or we’ll forget them.
DIGIT: Okay, okay!
DIGIT: I wanna raise!
INEZ: This is so cool! We’ve turned one clue into two: We know the length of the suspect’s foot - and how long his head is.
MATT: Like they say on “Crime Scene Exploration”: We’re building a physical profile of the perp!
JACKIE: Hey! Check this out! Handprints!
MATT: Another job for the Mold Squad!
MATT: The molds are done!
JACKIE: And whoever made this print has a much bigger hand than I do!
MATT: Cool! So what can we do with a hand? Can we use that to measure?
JACKIE: Maybe. How about this? Yes! My thumb and middle finger touch!
INEZ: You're right! The length from my thumb to middle finger is the same as the distance around my wrist.
MATT: Check this out! The distance around my neck is two finger wraps!
JACKIE: How cool is that? Some body parts are twice the size of others!
INEZ: Maybe some are even three times the size...or more! Let's measure!
MATT: I've got lots of stuff to measure with in here...
DIGIT: Can you guys speed it up a little? Junior's gonna be here any minute!
INEZ: Look. If we tie knots in the string that are one finger wrap apart, we can use it as a ruler.
MATT: Good idea, Inez.
INEZ: A perfect three! Your head is three of your finger wraps around!
JACKIE: Yours, too! We found another match!
INEZ: One head wrap equals three finger wraps, Didge!
DIGIT: Got it! A cyboid can only nurture an egg and write so fast, y'know!
JACKIE: Okay, each knot is one of your foot lengths apart.
MATT: How many?
JACKIE: One-two-three-four-five-six-seven!
MATT: So, my arm span is about seven of my foot lengths long!
INEZ: Let's try one more.
JACKIE: Your height is also seven of your foot-lengths!
DIGIT: Arm span approximately seven foot lengths! Height, approximately the same.