Finding Lucy
Laetoli Footprints
Laetoli Trackways Diagram
Origins of Humankind
Riddle of the Bones
Walking Tall
In this lesson, students investigate hominid evolution. They learn the difference between a relative and an ancestor, study the emergence of bipedalism and the related physical adaptations and cultural ramifications, and chart patterns of hominid migration. Throughout the lesson, an emphasis is placed on the importance of fossil evidence in unraveling the history of our ancestors.
1. Have students watch the Laetoli Footprints video as an introduction to this lesson on human evolution.
2. Divide the class into teams of two, and distribute copies of the Laetoli Trackways Diagram diagram and accompanying backgrounder to each team. Ask each team to study and discuss the trackways and record their answers to the following questions:
3. Conduct a classwide discussion, sharing different scenarios from each team and pointing out the evidence for each.
4. Engage students in a discussion about what footprints can tell us. For example:
5. Have your class watch the Finding Lucy video and discuss the following questions:
6. Have students read the article The Transforming Leap, from Four Legs to Two. Discuss the following:
7. Continue your discussion of bipedalism by watching the Walking Tall video and comparing skeletons of the modern human and the chimpanzee. Ask:
8. Have students visit the Riddle of the Bones Web activity. Tell them that in this activity they are going to be paleoanthropologists. Assign them to teams of four.
9. There are four dig sites in the Riddle of the Bones activity: Lucy, Hadar Skull, First Family, and Laetoli Footprints. Assign each team to a dig site. (It's OK that there will be more than one team per dig site.)
10. Tell each team to review the evidence at their site and answer the following questions:
11. Have the teams write a summary of their findings, then discuss with the class how the fossils are related to one another.
Discuss as a class the following questions:
12. Have students watch the Evolving Ideas: Did Humans Evolve? video as an introduction to the following activity.
13. Ask your class to visit the Origins of Humankind Web activity. Assign students to groups of two and give each group one or more of the following groups of questions, depending on the size of your class:
14. Reconvene as a class and discuss answers.
15. Introduce the next part by explaining that discoveries of fossil hominids around the world have helped scientists to determine not only the likely place of origin for the human species, but also a migration path throughout the world. Tell students that their assignment is to map this distribution.
16. Group students into five teams: australopithecine, Homo erectus, Homo neanderthalensis, and two Homo sapiens teams. Give each team one part of the fossil evidence from the Hominid Fossil Data Sheet (PDF) and colored pencils to match their taxon code (Australopithecines -- red, Homo erectus -- blue, etc.). Point out that the early modern Homo sapiens data is divided between two teams because there is more of it. Post the color key on the board.
17. Tell students that each team will plot their data points on a small world map, (World Map (PDF)), using the assigned color. Later each team will add their data to the class world map. Demonstrate how to plot a data point.
18. Have teams transfer their data to a large world map using colored push pins that match the colored pencils. (Note: This process may take twenty to thirty minutes.) Have students check off the fossils on their data sheets as each pin is placed, to prevent repeats.
19. Tell students to return to their teams to analyze the distribution of fossils on the world map and answer the Hominid Migration Discussion Questions (PDF). Have teams discuss their answers.
20. Ask students to refer to the class map as they think about the following questions: