Source: NOVA: "In Search of Human Origins"
The remains of the vast majority of organisms that die are eaten by scavengers or decompose beyond recognition before they can be preserved. The conditions under which fossils can successfully form are unusual, and the odds that a fossil will then be exposed at the surface again, and discovered, are smaller still. Footage courtesy of NOVA: "In Search of Human Origins."
Becoming a Fossil (Audio Description) (Video)
NARRATOR: It takes a rare set of circumstances to turn a living creature into fossilized bone. In the case of Lucy, the famous hominid fossil discovered in Ethiopia's Great Rift Valley in 1974, there is no evidence that she met a violent death. No predator or scavenger found her body before it began rotting in the lake's soft sediments. Her bones, which settled in the mud, may have been cracked or shattered by animals roaming around the shore.
Heavy rains gradually washed in enough sand and gravel to bury her bones. These deposits built up over thousands of years, burying her remains hundreds of feet deep. The calcium in her bones, molecule by molecule, was replaced by minerals from these deposits, the bones to stone.
She remained buried over millions of years, while the earth's crust moved constantly, forcing the remains of her body closer to the surface. Heavy storms beating down on the earth eroded the sediment and most likely brought her once again to the earth's surface. Her exposure made it possible for anthropologists to later discover her remains some three million years after her death. (thunder rumbling)