DNA Workshop
From DNA to Protein
Journey into DNA
A Mutation Story
Organelles in the Cytoplasm
In this activity, students explore how a cell uses information from the DNA in its nucleus to produce the proteins that help determine the traits of an organism -- a process called protein synthesis. Students begin by learning what DNA is, what it looks like, and where it is located in the body. Then they learn about the various cell organelles involved in protein synthesis. Next, they explore the process of protein synthesis, first by doing a Web activity, then by writing a description of the process, and finally by comparing their description with their partner's and working together to diagram the process. The activity concludes with a discussion about how mutations can affect protein synthesis and change the structure and function of cells.
1. Ask students:
Then have students do the Journey into DNA Web activity. Ask:
2. Show the Organelles in the Cytoplasm video. Ask:
3. Show the From DNA to Protein video and then have students explore the protein synthesis part of the DNA Workshop Web activity. Discuss the following:
4. Have students write a brief paragraph that describes the steps of the protein synthesis process, from DNA to polypeptide chain. Tell them to incorporate the following terms into their description: DNA, bases, transcription, mRNA, translation, codons, anticodons, ribosomes, polypeptides, amino acids.
5. Have students share their descriptions with a partner and then draw a diagram of the process together.
6. Show the A Mutation Story video. Discuss the following: