Density and Buoyancy: Pouring Air into Water

Resource for Grades K-8

WGBH: Zoom
Density and Buoyancy: Pouring Air into Water

Media Type:

Running Time: 1m 41s
Size: 5.1 MB

Source: ZOOM

Resource Produced by:

WGBH Educational Foundation

Collection Developed by:

WGBH Educational Foundation

Collection Credits

Collection Funded by:

National Science Foundation

You've probably been asked to pour a glass of water for a friend or family member. Have you ever been asked to pour a glass of air? In this video segment adapted from ZOOM, one of the cast members demonstrates how to pour a nice big glass of air -- upside down!

Supplemental Media Available:

Buoyancy: Pouring Air into Water (Document)

open Background Essay

Nearly all floatation devices rely on air to keep them afloat. Poke a hole in a life raft, for example, and the chances of a dry rescue escape along with the leaking air. Likewise, a ship, regardless of its shape, couldn't float without the air that fills the open part of its hull. In fact, all air, whether trapped in a life preserver or not, floats on water.

Air floats because it is less dense than water. This means that a given volume of air weighs less than the same volume of water. Indeed, water is nearly 1,000 times denser than air. Any object or substance that weighs less than the amount of fluid it displaces will float on that fluid. For example, if a one-cubic-centimeter object weighs less than one cubic centimeter of a fluid -- the amount it would push out of the way when submerged -- it will float on the fluid. If it weighs more than the same amount of fluid, it will sink.

All objects, whether they sink or float, experience an upward force when submerged in a fluid. This force, called the buoyant force, is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object. For an object that floats, the upward buoyant force is greater than the object's weight. In fact, the buoyant force allows low-density objects to not only float, but also causes them to resist being forced under water and to rise quickly to the surface when they are released. A container of air, for example, experiences a powerful upward force when placed under water. When air bubbles are released, they respond to this force and race quickly to the surface.

open Discussion Questions

  • In this video segment, what property of air kept it trapped in the upside down cup?
  • Was the air pushing the water away, or was something else happening? Explain.
  • If you hold a cup upside down in the air, is it empty or full? Explain.
  • If you hold an "empty" cup right-side-up in the air, what happens to the air inside the cup? Explain.
  • Experiment with pouring other liquids in water. Could you pour oil or corn syrup in water the way the ZOOM cast member was pouring air?

  • open Transcript

    KALEIGH: Did you know that you can pour air...into water? See— the air is forcing the water out of this cup. Lauren M., of Daly City, California sent us this phenom.

    This cup is filled with air. Turn it upside down and push it into a container filled with water like this fish tank. If you're doing this at home you can try it in your bathtub.

    Now, take another cup and push it into the container. But fill this one with water. Put the two cups close together and then pour the air into the cup filled with water. (water burbling) See? It's like you're pouring air instead of water.

    Here's what it looks like upside-down. Now it really looks like air is pouring into water. This works because the air inside of the cup is a giant bubble. The bubble stays inside of the cup when the cup is turned upside-down.

    But, when the cup is tipped the bubbles move through the water and up into the other cup. Air bubbles always move up in water. That's because they can float. Check it out.

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