Source: ZOOM
Buoyancy: Pouring Air into Water (Document)
KALEIGH: Did you know that you can pour air...into water? See— the air is forcing the water out of this cup. Lauren M., of Daly City, California sent us this phenom.
This cup is filled with air. Turn it upside down and push it into a container filled with water like this fish tank. If you're doing this at home you can try it in your bathtub.
Now, take another cup and push it into the container. But fill this one with water. Put the two cups close together and then pour the air into the cup filled with water. (water burbling) See? It's like you're pouring air instead of water.
Here's what it looks like upside-down. Now it really looks like air is pouring into water. This works because the air inside of the cup is a giant bubble. The bubble stays inside of the cup when the cup is turned upside-down.
But, when the cup is tipped the bubbles move through the water and up into the other cup. Air bubbles always move up in water. That's because they can float. Check it out.