Source: ZOOM
Pitch: Straw Kazoo (printable instructions) (Document)
RAY: Sarah and Jonathan S. of Jackson, Michigan, sent us the instructions to make a musical instrument using a drinking straw. All you do is flatten one end of the straw.
CAROLINE: Like that?
RAY: Yep, that's pretty good. Then with a pair of scissors cut out a V shape in the straw. Cool. Just like that.
RAY: This will act as a reed, just like in a clarinet.
CAROLINE: Place the V end of the straw in your mouth so that the V is just past the inside of your mouth. Then press on the V with your lips while blowing, like this— this might take some practice. Maybe we have to kind of open it up a little. Oh, here we go— I think this'll work. (squeaking) (blowing note)
RAY: Brilliantly done. (blowing note)
BOTH: That's awesome.
CAROLINE: (blowing note)
RAY: Here's another cool thing you can do. Cut the straw and then blow on it. Listen to how the pitch gets higher. This is because a smaller straw vibrates differently.
CAROLINE:(notes getting higher)
RAY: Let me try. (notes getting higher)
CAROLINE: Oh, that's awesome!
RAY: (notes continue to go higher)
CAROLINE: That's awesome.
RAY: See if you can make a musical instrument that uses vibrations in different ways.