Source: ZOOM
(footsteps approaching) (creaking)
LEANG CHANG: Hi, my name is Leang Chang and this is my brother, Cor.
LEANG: This is my invention, the tennis ball picker-upper, and I'm going to show you how it works. But first we're going to play a little tennis.
The way my invention, the tennis ball picker-upper, works is hold the tennis ball picker- upper above the tennis balls then push down on it and it sticks to the Velcro inside. Come over to my house, and I'll show you how to make a tennis ball picker-upper.
This is what you need to make a tennis ball picker-upper: a ball container... some Velcro... and some scissors. You need to take the end of the container off. Make sure a grown-up does that, because it could be very dangerous. Then you measure it about halfway around the tube and then cut. Then do the same for another two pieces. Then you put the Velcro on the container... and do it in the middle and then the end again, like that.
Now comes the hard part. Put the Velcro in the tube... measure it, then take it out and cut it. Put the Velcro in. Then you're going to have to pull the paper through, so that you could stick it on. And do that on the other side of the tube.
These three strips strap the tube to the tennis racquet just like that. Now let's try it out. Yay, it works! (laughing)