Building the Pyramids of Ancient Egypt

Activity for Grades 5-12

Teachers' Domain, Building the Pyramids of Ancient Egypt, published September 26, 2011, retrieved on ,

Building the Pyramids of Ancient Egypt

Media Type:
Self-paced Lesson

Resource Produced by:

WGBH Educational Foundation

Collection Developed by:

WGBH Educational Foundation

Collection Credits

Collection Funded by:

Walmart Foundation

In this self-paced literacy lesson, students learn how historians think the pyramids were built and why they were built—as doorways to the afterlife for the pharaohs. Students develop their literacy skills as they explore a social studies focus on ancient Egyptian society and how those at the top organized the rest of the population in order to build these amazing structures. During this process, they read informational text, learn and practice vocabulary words, and explore content through videos and interactive activities. When they are finished, students select and complete a writing assignment offline.

open For Teachers

This is a student-directed lesson. Students will complete the lesson online, then print a summary of their notes and interactive activity results. Students can use this printout for reference when completing the final writing assignment offline.

Download and print the Building the Pyramids of Ancient Egypt—Teacher's Guide (PDF) for essential background information and suggestions for ways to support the lesson.

Technical notes

  • Students need to be signed into their own account in order to save their work in the lesson. Students 13 or older can create their own registration. Parents or teachers of students younger than 13 can create an account for them. (Provide the adult's email address.) We don't recommend that students sign into a teacher's account because it gives them administrative powers over that teacher's folders.
  • Students must save each screen of the lesson before moving on to the next screen. Once they have saved a screen, they cannot go back to change their work. Saved work can be printed and submitted to the teacher as a formative assessment. Final assignments must be written outside of the lesson and submitted separately.
  • Students must save their answers to any multiple-choice questions before moving on to the next screen or their work will not be saved.
  • Students are able to start over or repeat a lesson. If they do, their saved work will be deleted and a new record will be started.

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