Conflict Over Western Lands

Activity for Grades 5-12
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Conflict Over Western Lands

Media Type:
Self-paced Lesson

Resource Produced by:

WGBH Educational Foundation

Collection Developed by:

WGBH Educational Foundation

Collection Credits

Collection Funded by:

Leon Lowenstein Foundation Walmart Foundation

Funding for the Walmart Middle School Literacy Initiative on Teachers’ Domain is provided by the Walmart Foundation. Early funding for Inspiring Middle School Literacy was provided by the Leon Lowenstein Foundation.

In this self-paced literacy lesson, students learn about the differences between the way white settlers and Native Americans thought about land and land ownership in the mid-1800s. Students develop their literacy skills as they explore a social studies focus on the concept of Manifest Destiny and how it created conflict in the Great Plains. During this process, they read informational text, learn and practice vocabulary words, and explore content through videos and interactive activities. When they are finished, students select and complete a writing assignment offline.

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