
Resource for Grades 5-12

WNET: Religion & Ethics Newsweekly

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Running Time: 3m 10s
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Source: Religion & Ethics Newsweekly:"Ramadan"

Learn more about the Religion & Ethics segment "Ramadan."

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U.S. Department of Education
Funding for Access Islam was provided by the U.S. Department of Education.

In this video from Religion & Ethics Newsweekly, two young American Muslims observe Ramadan, a month-long period of fasting and prayer that lasts from sunrise to sunset. Zuleqa and Khizer Husain of northern Virginia describe their daytime practices, which may include an hour or more of reading the Qur'an, and their evening meal, which often becomes a party.

open Background Essay

The month of Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar. It is considered a blessed and holy month because it is during Ramadan that Muslims believe the first verses of the Qur’an, the holy book of Islam, were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad in 610 C.E.

It is obligatory for all able Muslims to fast during the entire month of Ramadan. From sunrise to sunset, Muslims do not eat or drink. The Qur’an commands fasting during the holy month as testimony of one's commitment to God in the face of temptation and hardship. Fasting teaches Muslims piety, self-discipline and restraint. Fasting also helps to constantly remind Muslims of the poor who are deprived of a stable diet. Through their observance of Ramadan, Muslims are able to empathize with those less fortunate and be thankful for all of God’s blessings.

The month of Ramadan is not only about the physical experience of not eating or drinking; there is also a change in spiritual and moral conduct. In the spirit of the sacred month, Muslims are supposed to practice patience and generosity, and curb all negative behavior. An increased amount of time is given to the reading of the Qur’an and the worship of God. Many Muslims attend the masjid (a correct and more accurate term for mosque) nightly to pray the evening prayer and Tarawih, special Ramadan prayers that follow. The leader of the prayers reads one-thirtieth of the Qur’an each night, so that by the end of the month it will have been read in its entirety to the Muslims who have communed for worship.

The activities of Ramadan allow Muslims to increase their faith and become closer to God. The positive feelings gained and behaviors practiced during Ramadan are qualities that Muslims hope to extend long after the month is over.

open Discussion Questions

  • What is the connection between Ramadan and the Qur'an?
  • What did Ms. Husain mean when she said that Ramadan is like a spiritual tune-up?
  • After sunset each day, the fast is broken, called “iftar.” What are some of the traditions around breaking the fast?

open Transcript

BOB ABERNETHY, anchor: Our "Belief and Practice" segment today is on how two young American Muslims observe Ramadan, the month-long time of fasting and prayer from sunrise to sunset. Zuleqa and Khizer Husain of northern Virginia told us about both their daytime practices, which can include an hour or more of reading the Qur'an, and their evening meal, which can become a party.

ZULEQA HUSAIN: The obvious difference between Ramadan and the other months is that your whole schedule is changed. You're eating twice a day, at odd times of the day. The first is the early morning breakfast.

KHIZER HUSAIN: Muslims are not ascetics. They don't prescribe monasteries. You're supposed to engage in worldly life as well as the spiritual life. During the month of Ramadan, in addition to prayer you have fasting, so it comes back to having a better focus on what's really important in life.

Ms. HUSAIN: Ramadan is, for me, like a spiritual tune-up. The whole year I pray five times a day, but not thinking very consciously about it. Fasting, for me, is a constant prayer that you're engaged in throughout the day. For 12 hours or more, you're praying. The 10 minutes that you do, for example, in the morning, is now extended to a continuous prayer called "the fast."

(Praying): There is no God except Allah, and this is the truth.

Living in America, you will not probably hear a call to prayer from a mosque nearby. When I'm at work, the easiest way is to look it up online. There are some good Web sites, which you put in your zip code and it will tell you these are the times for your prayer.

(To Colleague Ahmed Younis): Do you want to pray? It's one o'clock.

Spirituality in Islam is about how close you are to God. I consider Allah to be my friend. When I'm praying, for example, it's more like a conversation. Not of equals, of course; God is superior. He's the Almighty.

Mr. HUSAIN: For me, my relationship with God really comes from the Qur'an. Muslims feel those are the literal words of God. So when we recite the Qur'an -- which is the recommended way -- it's really speaking the words of God. It's having this dialogue with your creator. Whenever I want to be close to God, it's a matter of pulling on that, going to the book, reciting it or hearing it recited. Those intonations really strike a chord in my heart.

Ms. HUSAIN: Because the Qur'an was sent down during this month, it is prescribed to read the entire book. It's very conveniently divided into 30 chapters, one chapter a day.

Mr. HUSAIN: In the States, we have a lot of options when it comes to breaking the fast. There's typically sponsored dinners so everyone has the breaking of the fast, the prayer as well as the meal.

Ms. HUSAIN: Before breaking the fast, there's a very nice prayer. The Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, broke his fast with dates and water. Especially in America, I think, Ramadan is as spiritual and family-oriented and friends-oriented as you want it to be. I could sit at home and break my fast, but the celebratory feeling -- the holiday spirit -- comes when you meet with family and friends. That, in itself, adds to the spirituality of the month.

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