In the following lesson, students will investigate the traditions and spiritual aspects of Ramadan using segments from Religion & Ethics Newsweekly and various Web sites. Depending upon your community, students may have an understanding of Islamic traditions, or they may have had little exposure to Islam. Before beginning the lesson, you may want to review using the Web site Follow the links to "The Beliefs and Practices of Islam" and "An Introduction to Ramadan." In each section there is an overview of information as well as questions and activities to use with students.
Two to three 45-minute class periods
For the teacher:
For each learning station:
For each student:
Prior to teaching the lesson, review all of the Web sites and segments used in the lesson to make certain that they are appropriate for your students. Bookmark the Web sites used in the lesson on each computer in your classroom, or upload them to an online bookmarking utility such as Download the Acrobat Reader plug-in from to each computer in your classroom. Download the free RealPlayer plug-in from to play the video segments.
Download, print, and copy all of the student materials listed above for each student in your classroom.
Prerequisite: Before beginning this lesson, be sure to do the Introductory Activity from the "Religion and the First Amendment" lesson with your class.
Begin the lesson by setting the stage and discussing traditions and celebrations students may have with their families and communities. Ask students to brainstorm how they celebrate and capture the ideas on chart paper or the board. These may be religious or secular celebrations. What do their celebrations "look" like? Are there multiple generations present? How does it differ from an ordinary day? What do their celebrations"sound" like? Is there music? Prayer? Toasts? Special songs? Are there special foods served that are rarely eaten at other times? Do they dress differently for the celebration? Is the celebration something done within the family or with a larger community? How long does the celebration last?
Introduce Ramadan. Ask students what they know about Ramadan and capture their responses on the board or on chart paper. During the discussion, ensure that students understand that Ramadan is one of the Five Pillars (duties) of Islam. Muslims observe Ramadan for 29 or 30 days, and one of the most outward signs of observing (celebrating) Ramadan is the observance of the Fast. Ask students if they understand what it means to fast. Explain or clarify to them that fasting for Ramadan means to not eat or drink while the sun is up, but there are other important "tenets" around fasting as well that the class will study. What would make it difficult to fast during the day? Why would people choose to do that? Can anyone think of examples of fasting or restricting certain types of foods in other religions?
Students who may have little exposure to the Muslim community may be interested in viewing the Web site from NOW,, which provides some information about how many people in the United States and the World are of various faiths. According to the data on this site, 5% of America's population is Muslim and by 2050 it is expected that 25% of the world's population will be Muslim.
If you haven't already done so, print the brief description of Ramadan from the Religion & Ethics Newsweekly Web site at Distribute copies of the transcript to students and ask them to read it and respond to the questions on the Introductory Activity Guide. The questions included on the Introductory Activity Guide are:
After students have had the opportunity to respond to the questions independently or in pairs, discuss their responses as a group. Respond to any questions they have, and point out that what they've learned so far is just some of the basics about behaviors during Ramadan. The class will next investigate the thinking behind the duties.
Guiding Questions:
Station 1
Eid al-Fitr is the feast period signifying the end of Ramadan. Students may view the Eid al-Fitr QuickTime Video to better understand the closure of Ramadan. Students may be prompted to consider what the celebration looks like, why the community comes together, why gifts are given, and what the tone of the celebration is.
Station 2
The Islamic Celebrations QuickTime Video also focuses on Eid al-Fitr and the significance of Ramadan in the lives of many people. Students may be prompted to consider the spiritual importance of Ramadan while investigating the transcript and segment.
Station 3
Ramadan Observance concentrates on one family and how they observe Ramadan. Encourage students to consider how the family in the Ramadan Observance QuickTime Video changes their daily routines to abide by their duties. How does Afeefa Syeed, the mother, describe Ramadan?
Station 4
The sighting of the crescent moon (hilal) signals the beginning of Ramadan. The Ramadan Moon QuickTime Video focuses on the excitement and process by which Muslims share the start of Ramadan at the Islamic Society of North America.
Station 5
Moonsighting -- is the Web site seen in the background in the "Ramadan Moon." On this site, viewers can research the visibility of the moon to help determine when the new moon will be visible signifying the start of Islamic months. Prompt students to look carefully at the graphs and text to glean as much information as they can about how one may use the site.
Station 6
The Qur'an is considered by Muslims to be the word of God (Allah) as delivered by His messenger, Muhammad. Using the Passages from the Qur'an Regarding Fasting handout students will read three sections of the Qur'an to better understand how the Qur'an addresses Ramadan and the fast. Sections 2.183 and 2.184 explain the fast and section 2.185 addresses Ramadan. Prompt students to apply the duties set forth in the text to the lives of the people they are learning about.
After students have visited each station, allow them time in groups to develop a sentence or two answering each guiding question. Post chart paper for each question around the room. As groups complete their answers, ask them to record on the chart paper. As students complete this task, there should be 5-6 statements listed for each guiding question.
Review the chart paper responses as a class and facilitate discussion about any unclear points using the notes above as a guide. If students seem unclear, go back to the station addressing that guiding question and investigate further as a large group.
Ask students to identify some things people may find challenging about observing Ramadan and the fast. How would it be more or less difficult as a child or young adult? Remind them that fasting isn't "required" until children enter puberty, but many young people want to participate in this religious practice and fast earlier. (Students may state it would be difficult to go all day without eating or thinking mean thoughts. Prayers may be difficult to do during the day at school or work. Peer pressure may make it difficult for students to observe.) As a whole class, view the Eid al-Fitr QuickTime Video about children and fasting in schools. What are some of the ways these students modify their school experience to accommodate their fasting?
Writing assignment: