Source: The Children's Museum of Indianapolis. Note: This media resource is not served or maintained by Teachers' Domain.
Paleontologists -- scientists who study fossils to learn about ancient life forms -- have been remarkably successful in determining what earlier life forms looked like, as well as how they probably behaved when alive. This interactive activity from the Children's Museum of Indianapolis, Indiana, features a slab of rock containing fossils of several types of creatures that once inhabited a shallow sea in what is now central Indiana. Entire body shapes that have been reconstructed from preserved, often incomplete remains such as these have given scientists insight into evolutionary processes and trends.
Fossils reveal a great deal about earlier life forms. Paleontologists use them to reconstruct body shapes, which provide information about evolutionary processes and trends. Most prominent animal fossils, including those displayed in museums, are mineralized bones. From these skeletons, researchers can often learn about an animal's gender, physical capabilities, growth patterns, life expectancies, and pathologies. These are revealed through clues preserved in the fossils, as well as through comparisons to present-day life forms, which help scientists imagine what an ancient creature may have looked like.
In addition to bones, shells and teeth, also made primarily of inorganic compounds, are frequently preserved as fossils. In rare cases, soft parts such as muscles, skin, and other organs leave some kind of trace. Muscles, for example, leave marks where they attached to bones. Although completing a skeleton with missing components may be more straightforward than interpreting fossilized soft parts, the latter also provide useful information. For example, by studying the muscle attachment points on bone fossils, paleontologists can make inferences about the size and shape of muscles. This information helps them reconstruct the animal.
Scientists generally search for models on which to base reconstructions of complex organisms. The models may be modern living things with bones or other structures similar to the fossil or fossils in question, or they may be previously discovered fossils that bear some resemblance to the fossil. Using these models, scientists make inferences that allow them to manufacture a more or less complete physical interpretation of a plant or animal, even if many or most of the hard and soft parts are missing. For instance, based on their models, paleontologists might make an educated guess that an animal skull was covered in skin and hair or fur, even if evidence for these is lacking in the fossil itself. Or, if a scientist recognizes tell-tale holes in a skull that suggest it is that of a reptile, the scientist would assume that the skin covering the head and body was scaly or bumpy and without fur or feathers.
Of course, sometimes paleontologists get it wrong. For many years, Tyrannosaurus rex reconstructions showed the dinosaur standing erect the way a human does. But recently, scientists concluded that the creature's posture was more horizontal, like that of a bird. Many museums have since changed their displays to reflect this new understanding.