Kentucky's Natural Heritage
Special Collection
The diversity of life on our planet is astounding. From the lush rainforest of the Amazon to the seemingly barren arctic tundra, there is an abundance of life—and Kentucky is no exception. The state has a natural diversity of life so rich and complex that reality challenges the imagination. Fascinating and spectacular plants and animals such as the rainbow darter, golden mouse, cobra clubtail, three-birds orchid, and tiger salamander aren’t found in the Amazon; they live among us in the remarkably rich prairies, rivers, and forests of Kentucky, along with thousands of other species. -- from Kentucky's Natural Heritage: An Illustrated Guide to Biodiversity
Adapted from images and content in Kentucky's Natural Heritage: An Illustrated Guide to Biodiversity as well as video excerpts from the Kentucky Life Biodiversity series, this collection offers educators and students a look into Kentucky's rich natural diversity.
Recommended for viewing on Safari, Firefox, Chrome, or Internet Explorer 9 web browsers on either desktop computers or mobile devices.
This collection was developed in partnership with the Kentucky Nature Preserves Commission and the University Press of Kentucky and features video from the Kentucky Life Biodiversity series.
What is Biodiversity?This excerpt from the KET Kentucky Life Biodiversity series, offers a brief overview of what we mean when we refer to the biodiversity of a particular area or region. |
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The Three Levels of BiodiversityThis interactive adapted from Kentucky's Natural Heritage: An Illustrated Guide to Biodiversity, introduces learners to the three levels of biodiversity: genetic, species, and ecosystem. |
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Select Species Groups of KentuckyIn this interactive adapted from Kentucky’s Natural Heritage: An Illustrated Guide to Biodiversity, students will learn about the variety of species that call Kentucky their home. |
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Select Natural CommunitiesIn this interactive adapted from Kentucky's Natural Heritage: An Illustrated Guide to Biodiversity, students will learn about the four major natural communities and the types of organisms that live in each. |
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Cave Species and Karst LandscapesIn this interactive adapted from Kentucky's Natural Heritage: A Guide to Biodiversity, students will learn about karst landscape, where caves are most prevalent, as well as the different species that can be found in and around caves. |
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Migratory SongbirdsAdapted from the Kentucky Life Biodiversity series, this video interactive offers information about the different species of birds and their migration patterns. |
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Scientific Tools and MethodsAdapted from the Kentucky Life Biodiversity series, the videos in this interactive explore three examples of researchers applying the scientific method in various field situations. |
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Indicator Species: Hooded WarblerAdapted from the Kentucky Life Biodiversity series, this video interactive offers information about the Hooded Warbler and its role as an indicator species in the Natural Bridge region of Kentucky. |
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Follow Kentucky Through Geologic TimeThis interactive shows the location of Kentucky through different geological eras of time. |
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Life in a Kentucky VillageThe mural in this rollover interactive shows the Mississippian people in their day-to-day activities. |
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Watersheds in KentuckyThis interactive with a short video clip, provides students with a definition of watershed, as well as information about where they can be found in the state of Kentucky. |
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Biodiverse Regions: Blood RiverAdapted from the Kentucky Life Biodiversity series, this video looks at the natural significance of the Blood River region of southwestern Kentucky. |
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Biodiverse Regions: Black MountainBlack Mountain in southeastern Kentucky is one of the most biodiverse regions in the state. This KET video offers a brief overview about the factors that make this area so unique. |
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Lentic CommunitiesIn this interactive students learn about the three types of lentic communities and examples of species that are unique to each. |
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Lotic CommunitiesThis interactive provides a way for students to learn about lotic communities and the fish, mollusks, and invertebrates that live in these communities. |
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Natural Regions of KentuckyThis interactive introduces students to the diverse natural regions of Kentucky. |
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