Idaho Collection
Special Collection
This collection focuses on educational resources from award-winning productions produced by Idaho Public Television.
This project is a collaboration of Idaho Public Television and the Idaho Commission for Libraries and is partially funded through the Broadband Technology and Opportunities Program.
Amphibian ResearchThis short video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K explains how frogs help biologists study problems in the environment. |
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AmphibiansThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K points out what it means to be cold-blooded. A frog's life cycle is revealed as well as why it croaks, why it hibernates, and how it catches its prey. |
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ArchaeologyThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K looks at some of the objects found in King Tutankhamun's tomb. An Egyptologist discusses the significance of the objects and why the tombs exist. |
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Bear ResearchIn this video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K tag along with two biological researchers as they conduct their research project about bear movements. |
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BearsThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K shows bears' adaptations for eating. |
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Bird MigrationThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K discusses the purpose of migration and shows researchers and students working together to study bird migration at the Idaho Bird Observatory. |
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Birds of PreyThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K defines birds of prey and explains what characteristics they have that identify them as a raptor and help them catch their prey. |
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Body WasteThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K takes a look at the reasons why body waste keep you healthy and the parts of the body form the waste products, urine, pus, carbon dioxide, gas and feces. |
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Body Waste that Protects YouThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K covers the body wastes that protect you: earwax, mucus, tears, sweat and vomit. |
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The BrainThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K explores the anatomy of the brain and how your brain interacts with the rest of your body. |
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Crime Scene InvestigationThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K explores the tools and forensic science that crime scene investigators use to collect evidence to help solve crimes, and study animals, archaeology and paleontology. |
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Desert HabitatThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K defines warm and cold (high) deserts, and describes some of the plants and animals found there as well as their adaptations for living in each type of desert. |
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DinosaursThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K shows us what paleontologists think dinosaurs looked like, what they ate, and why they might have disappeared. We see paleontologists at work studying dinosaurs fossils. |
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EarthquakesThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K describes what causes earthquakes, how scientists measure them, where they occur and how to be prepared for one. |
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EcologyThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K defines ecology and ecosystems and explains how all living and non-living things in an ecosystem interact and depend on the energy of the sun. |
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ElectricityThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K explains some electrical vocabulary and follows the route of electricity from its generation to the home. |
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ElkThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K describes the yearly life cycle of elk and follows them from their winter habitat to their summer habitat and back. |
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Endangered SpeciesThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K explores the many reasons why animals become endangered or become extinct. |
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ExoplanetsThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K shows the tools scientists use to search for exoplanets and describes possible characteristics a planet might have to support life. |
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FalconryThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K defines falconry and shows some of the equipment used for training a falcon to hunt. |
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Fish ResearchThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K explains the Chinook salmon's life cycle in the Pacific Northwest and why it is an endangered species. A fisheries biologist takes students through some steps of fish research with explanations of the kinds of information biologists gather to perhaps help manage fish recovery. |
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FlightThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K takes you on a flight with a young student and a pilot as you learn about the 4 aerodynamic forces which are present when air is moving past an object such as an airplane. |
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Food ChainThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K describes how energy moves through nature. You will learn about the food chain, and its members: producers, consumers, scavengers. It shows where humans fit into the food chain. |
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Food WebThis short video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K illustrates how a food web works. |
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Force and MotionThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K explains and gives examples of Sir Isaac Newton's 3 Laws of Motion using the rides at an amusement part. |
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ForestsThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K describes rain, temperate and boreal forests and some of the animals that live in them. |
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FossilsThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K explains how fossils are formed, discusses the Hagerman Horse fossil found in Idaho. It describes the tools Paleontologists use and why they study fossils. |
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GeologyThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K describes and shows photos of the forces that shape the geology of the earth, including earthquakes, volcanoes, water, and glaciers. |
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GravityThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K demonstrates how gravity, mass, matter, and weight are related and how astronauts can overcome earth's gravity to fly to space. |
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Green EnergyThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K describes renewable and non-renewable energy sources and the benefits and drawbacks of each. It provides some ideas about how you can personally conserve energy. |
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HabitatThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K explains the 4 basic requirements of a perfect habitat and what a niche is within a habitat. You'll see videos of different animals in their habitats, such as; bear, moose, spiders and mountain goats, |
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HearingThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K describes the parts of the ear and the path a sound wave makes to your brain. It points out the role of the ear in maintaining balance and why and how to protect your ears. |
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Hubble Space TelescopeThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K describes the Hubble Space Telescope, shows visualizations of how optical and reflecting telescopes work, and shows original footage of the Hubble in Space. You hear why a telescope in space is valuable as well as see some of the amazing photographs the different cameras on the Hubble have taken. |
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Idaho FishThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K introduces Idaho's native fish species, and discusses why some populations are doing fine while others are struggling with declining numbers. |
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King TutThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K explores the evidence leading to a possible explanation of how King Tut died when he was only 20. |
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The MoonThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K discusses the physical characteristics of the moon, as well as its gravity, and distance form the earth. It includes video of Apollo 15 on the moon. |
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Mountain GoatThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K introduces us to life of mountain goats on high rocky peaks. It describes the adaptations mountain goats have for living on rocks. |
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Mount St. HelensThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K shows photos of Mount St. Helen's 1980 eruption and what it looks like today. |
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NutritionThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K defines the 6 nutrients, explains what each one does for our body and demonstrates the path food takes in our bodies |
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OwlsThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K discusses the physical adaptations of owls for hunting their prey. |
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PlanetsThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K reviews the characteristics of the sun and the planets that make up the solar system. |
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RiversThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K takes you on a trip down Idaho's Snake River near 1000 Springs and Blur Heart Springs while it explains how rivers are formed, their uses, and how they make valleys, canyons and even plains. |
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Rocks and MineralsThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K presents the types of rocks, how they are formed, what they are made of and how they are classified. |
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SalmonThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K explains the life cycle of Idaho's salmon and how this life cycle is disrupted by river dams. |
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The Science of Lewis and ClarkThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K shows us some of the plants and animals that Lewis and Clark's Core of Discovery documented in their journals. |
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Simple MachinesThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K lists, describes and shows examples of the 6 simple machines and how they make work easier. |
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SmellThis short video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K explains how a scent particle moves from your nose to a nerve cell which sends a signal to your brain. |
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SnakesThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K describes the adaptations, anatomy, natural history and types of snakes. |
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Space CareersThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K details some of the requirements needed to have different space careers. |
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Spy TechnologyIn this video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K meet Kevin Young, an Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory engineer, who designs robots, infrared cameras and hazmat cameras as he describes their many uses. These imaginative creations are valuable for the military, counter terrorism and law enforcement. |
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States of MatterThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K explains and gives examples of the 4 states of matter: solid, liquid, gas, and plasma. |
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States of WaterThis short video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K defines a water molecule and describes the 3 states of water; steam, ice, and liquid. |
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TasteThis short video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K illustrates the anatomy of the tongue, showing how it works to help you taste sweet, sour, bitter, and salty food items. |
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TeethThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K takes you to the dentist where you discover the different types of teeth animals have, how many teeth and the kinds humans have, the parts of a tooth and how to keep your teeth healthy. |
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TouchThis short video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K shows a cross section of the body's largest organ, skin, and explains that it has at least 7 different kinds of sensors. |
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Urban WildlifeThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K examines the pros and cons of the presence of wildlife in a city and how to maintain a balance that is good for all. |
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VolcanoesThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K explains how and where volcanoes are formed, and shows examples of the different kinds of volcanoes. |
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WaterThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K shows us from where we get water, how it's stored and how powerful it can be. We learn how important it is to conserve the .3% of usable fresh water available on earth. |
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Water CycleThis short video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K explains the how the water cycle works. |
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WeatherThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K follows a meteorologist as he shows us some of the instruments used to measure rainfall, check temperature and humidity, and predict the weather. |
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WetlandsThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K defines wetlands and describes their 3 characteristics. The video stresses the importance of wetlands to wildlife. |
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WildfireThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K describes the 3 elements that are needed for a fire triangle, and how the job of firefighters is to eliminate at least one of the elements. Learn how wildfires spread, what firefighters need to know in order to fight fires and why rehabilitation is important after a fire. |
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Wildlife ManagementIn this video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K tag along with a wildlife biologist and 2 students as they capture, collar, weigh and release mule deer fawns. |
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Wolf ResearchIn this video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K you fly with a biologist as they track, trap and radio collar a pack of wolves. |
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WolvesThis video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K defines what it means to be a predator and prey. Explore the life history of the wolf and learn about its many adaptations that help it to catch its prey. |
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ZoologyIn this video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K the Zoo Boise Director, Steve Burns, takes us on a tour of Spider monkeys, cockroaches, Red Panda, tigers and Aldabra tortoises, explaining the role of zoos in conservation and breeding endangered species. |
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