Special Collection
FRONTLINE, American public television’s flagship public affairs series, delivers thought-provoking journalism that tackles the tough, controversial and complex stories that shape our times. The FRONTLINE collection on Teachers’ Domain offers you access to a selection of videos, interactives, and articles drawn from the series’ award-winning on air and online resources.

1900 Air PollutionExamine this graph from FRONTLINE/NOVA: "What's Up with the Weather?" Web site to see dramatic increases in three greenhouse gases over the last two hundred years. |
9-12 |
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The 2008 Wall Street BailoutThis video segment adapted from FRONTLINE: "Money, Power and Wall Street" traces the unprecedented decisions made by the U.S. government to intervene in the financial crisis of 2008. |
6-12 |
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21st Century Schools: Learning in the Digital AgeFrom FRONTLINE Digital Nation, this video explores discuss the hype and the hopes for improving education through technology. |
9-12 |
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Bt CornThis video segment from FRONTLINE/NOVA: "Harvest of Fear" looks at corn that has been genetically modified to resist one insect pest, and the multiple concerns it raises. |
9-12 |
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Cars in America: Investing in Detroit's FutureFrom FRONTLINE Heat, this video explores the car industry's resistance to higher fuel efficiency standards. |
11-12 |
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The Causes of the 2008 Financial CrisisThis video segment adapted from FRONTLINE: "Money, Power and Wall Street" explores the changes in the U. S. financial market that ultimately led to the 2008 financial crisis. |
6-12 |
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Chernobyl: What Really Happened?This text excerpted from Richard Rhodes' book, Nuclear Renewal and reprinted on the FRONTLINE Web site examines the causes of the Chernobyl accident. |
6-12 |
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Chicken Waste and Water PollutionIn this video segment adapted from FRONTLINE: “Poisoned Waters,” learn how unregulated waste from large-scale chicken farms contributes to water pollution. |
6-12 |
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A Class Divided 1: The Daring LessonThis segment from FRONTLINE: "A Class Divided" profiles an experiment in discrimination based on eye color that took place in a third-grade class in 1970. |
3-12 |
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A Class Divided 2: Day TwoThis segment from FRONTLINE: "A Class Divided" profiles the second day of an experiment in discrimination based on eye color that took place in a third-grade class in 1970. |
3-12 |
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A Class Divided 3: An Interview with Jane ElliottIn this Web-exclusive interview for FRONTLINE, Jane Elliott discusses her abiding sense that her lesson on bigotry is as necessary today as it was in 1968. |
6-12 |
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Classical vs. Transgenic BreedingThis video segment from FRONTLINE/NOVA: "Harvest of Fear" explains that genetic engineering and classical breeding both alter the genetic makeup of crop plants. |
9-12 |
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Clean Coal? Explore the challenges facing the deployment of clean coal technology in this video segment adapted from FRONTLINE: "Heat." |
6-12 |
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Coal in America: What is the StrategyFrom FRONTLINE Heat, this video investigates the capabilities of America's coal industry to adapt to the call for a reduction in carbon emissions. |
11-12 |
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College, Inc.: The Sales and Marketing StoryFrom FRONTLINE College, Inc., explore the the aggressive marketing practices of for-profit colleges. |
9-12 |
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Corporations or Consumers: Who's Responsible for Climate Change?From FRONTLINE Heat, this video challenges viewers to examine who is really responsible for climate change: corporations or consumers? |
11-12 |
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Digital Parenting: Protecting and Empowering KidsFrom FRONTLINE Digital Nation, this video explores the balance between protecting and empowering kids online. |
6-12 |
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The Digital You: Attention, Multitasking and AddictionFrom FRONTLINE Digital Nation, this video shows the contrast between students' and teachers' views on laptops in the classroom. |
6-12 |
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Dr. Jay Giedd: The Adolescent BrainIn this transcript from FRONTLINE: "Inside the Teenage Brain," neuroscientist Dr. Jay Giedd discusses new research on brain development in teenagers. |
6-8 |
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The Electromagnetic Spectrum: FRONTLINEThis video segment adapted from FRONTLINE introduces the electromagnetic spectrum and explains how the various types of electromagnetic waves are distinguished by the amount of energy each wave carries. |
6-12 |
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Endocrine Disruptor HypothesisScientists discuss whether or not endocrine disrupting chemicals, which may cause birth defects and other health concerns, should be controlled in the absence of conclusive proof, in this video segment adapted from FRONTLINE: "Fooling with Nature." |
6-12 |
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Engineer a Crop: Transgenic ManipulationYou're the geneticist now. In this interactive feature from the NOVA/FRONTLINE "Harvest of Fear" Web site, use the latest in genetic technology to engineer your own "supercrop" of tomatoes. |
9-12 |
Interactive |
Everyday RadiationHow much radiation are we exposed to every day? Find out in this video segment adapted from FRONTLINE. |
6-12 |
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Facts About RadiationThis document from the FRONTLINE Web site offers examples of everyday exposure to radiation. |
6-12 |
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FAQs About Nuclear PowerNuclear physicist, Dr. Charles Till, answers questions about nuclear power in this interview from the FRONTLINE Web site. |
6-12 |
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Fighting on MySpaceThis video segment from FRONTLINE: "digital_nation" tells the dramatic story of a confrontation that began on the pages of MySpace and escalated into a physical fight for all to see. |
6-12 |
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Fission and Reprocessing: How They WorkThis video-enhanced document from the FRONTLINE Web site explains how nuclear fission and nuclear reprocessing work. |
6-12 |
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Flying Cheap: The Crash of Continental Flight 3407From FRONTLINE Flying Cheap, correspondent Miles O’Brien investigates safety concerns over major airlines outsourcing flights to regional carriers. |
9-12 |
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Germany Phases Out Nuclear PowerThis video excerpt from FRONTLINE: "Nuclear Aftershocks" explores the debate behind Germany's decision to phase out its nuclear energy program and revert back to coal as “the bridge” that will eventually allow greater reliance on renewable energy. |
6-12 |
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Get Close to a Nuclear Fission Reaction!Learn how scientists regulate a nuclear reactor in this animation-enhanced essay from the FRONTLINE Web site. |
6-12 |
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Global Warming: Beyond Fossil FuelsMartin Hoffert, professor of physics at New York University, discusses global warming and alternative energies in this interview from the NOVA/FRONTLINE Web site. |
6-12 |
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Global Warming: Carbon Dioxide and the Greenhouse EffectThis video segment adapted from NOVA/FRONTLINE demonstrates the physical property of carbon dioxide that causes the greenhouse effect. |
6-12 |
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Global Warming: Carbon Dioxide and the Greenhouse EffectThis video segment adapted from NOVA/FRONTLINE demonstrates the physical property of carbon dioxide that causes the greenhouse effect. |
6-12 |
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Global Warming: Graphs Tell the StoryExamine these graphs from the NOVA/ FRONTLINE Web site to see dramatic increases in the temperature of Earth's surface and greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. |
6-12 |
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Global Warming: Graphs Tell the StoryExamine graphs from the NOVA/FRONTLINE Web site to see dramatic changes in the temperature of Earth's surface and in the levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. |
9-12 |
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Global Warming: The Developing WorldThis video segment adapted from NOVA/FRONTLINE looks at the future of global warming as developing nations, including India and China, increase their need for energy. |
6-12 |
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Global Warming: The Hydrogen CarIs the hydrogen car the answer to global warming? This video segment adapted from NOVA/FRONTLINE looks at the pros and cons of this developing technology. |
3-12 |
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Global Warming: The Physics of the Greenhouse EffectThis video segment adapted from NOVA/FRONTLINE examines the
greenhouse effect, its role in keeping Earth habitable, and the industrial changes that have
led to an increase in the planet's average temperature. |
6-12 |
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Global Warming Threatens World Water SupplyPotentially half of the world's water supply may be at risk because of melting glaciers. Learn more about the consequences of global warming in this video segment adapted from FRONTLINE: "Heat." |
9-12 |
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Guess What's Coming to Dinner?Browse through a table full of genetically modified (GM) foods to see what's available now and what's to come. From the FRONTLINE/NOVA: "Harvest of Fear" Web site. |
9-12 |
Interactive |
Haiti: Relief Efforts, The Staggering ObstaclesFrom FRONTLINE The Quake, correspondent Martin Smith travels to Haiti to bear witness to this humanitarian crisis and the ill-coordinated relief efforts on the ground. |
11-12 |
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Haiti: The Aid DilemmaFrom FRONTLINE Haiti: The Aid Dilemma, students will examine post-quake disruptions to supply and demand in Haiti’s rice industry. |
10-12 |
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How Jonathan Met KittenThis video segment from FRONTLINE: "digital_nation" shows how a powerful and long-lasting friendship developed online. |
6-12 |
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The Impact of DeportationIn this video excerpt from FRONTLINE: "Lost in Detention," an immigrant family with American-born children copes with the aftermath of the mother's deportation to Mexico because she lacked legal status. |
6-12 |
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India: Is India's Growth the Planet's Doom?From FRONTLINE Heat, this video explores the rise of India’s economy and its potential to tip the balance of global carbon emissions. |
10-12 |
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Intervening to Prevent a DropoutThis video excerpt from FRONTLINE: "Middle School Moment" proposes that the make-or-break moment for high school dropouts may actually occur in middle school, and presents how one middle school intervenes to prevent dropouts. |
12 |
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Leadership on Climate Change: Can America Summon the Political Will?From FRONTLINE Heat, this video examines whether or not government leaders can summon the political will to address climate change. |
10-12 |
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Learning in Virtual WorldsFrom FRONTLINE Digital Nation, this video examines the power of games to do much more than entertain. |
6-12 |
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Life OnlineIn this media-rich lesson, students examine how digital technologies have changed the way people communicate, and decide where they stand on a range of online behaviors. |
6-12 |
Self-paced Lesson |
New Contaminants in the Water SupplyIn this video segment adapted from FRONTLINE: “Poisoned Waters,” hear about the challenges facing water treatment facilities and environmental regulators as they try to keep up with new chemicals found in the water supply. |
9-12 |
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Nuclear Reaction: FissionThis video segment adapted from FRONTLINE looks at nuclear fission as an energy source that can be used to generate electricity. |
6-12 |
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Nuclear Reaction: MeltdownWhat happens when a nuclear reactor overheats? This video segment adapted from FRONTLINE looks at the nuclear reactor meltdown at Chernobyl, the worst accident of its kind. |
6-12 |
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Nuclear Reaction: PlutoniumOne by-product of nuclear fission is plutonium. This video segment adapted from FRONTLINE takes a look at this toxic element. |
6-12 |
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Nuclear Reaction: Searching for SafetyThis text excerpted from Beyond Engineering: How Society Shapes Technology by Robert Pool and reprinted on the FRONTLINE Web site looks at the impact of nuclear power. |
6-12 |
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Nuclear Waste: Yucca MountainWhat happens to nuclear waste? This video segment adapted from FRONTLINE explores the controversy surrounding the United States' first nuclear repository site. |
6-12 |
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Obama's Deal: The Deal Making BeginsFrom FRONTLINE Obama's Deal, explore the role of negotiations and compromise in passing major reform legislation |
9-12 |
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One Boy's Online TragedyThis video segment from FRONTLINE: "digital_nation" tells the story of Ryan Halligan who, after being tormented both at school and online, eventually took his own life. |
6-12 |
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Online, All the TimeIn this video segment from FRONTLINE: "digital_nation," meet 17-year-old Greg and his parents, who describe the time he spends online. |
6-12 |
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PCB Cleanup in SeattleIn this video segment adapted from FRONTLINE: “Poisoned Waters,” a Seattle community, concerned about its health, fights to clean up PCBs in its neighborhood. |
6-12 |
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Poisoned Waters: How Can Communities Fight Industrial Pollution?From FRONTLINE Poisoned Waters, this video explores how communities can fight industrial pollution. |
6-12 |
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Poisoned Waters: How Can We Save Habitat for Endangered Species?From FRONTLINE Poisoned Waters, this video discusses the importance of preserving natural habitats for flora and fauna. |
6-12 |
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Poisoned Waters: How Does Land Use Affect Water Quality?From FRONTLINE Poisoned Waters, this video explores the connections between land use and the quality of water. |
6-12 |
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Poisoned Waters: Is There a Smarter Way to Grow?From FRONTLINE Poisoned Waters, this video looks at one community's efforts to grow while preserving the environment. |
7-12 |
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Poisoned Waters: What's In Your Drinking Water?From FRONTLINE Poisoned Waters, this video investigates the startling new contaminants in drinking water. |
6-12 |
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Poisoned Waters: What Are the Costs of Sprawl?From FRONTLINE Poisoned Waters, this video examines the environmental costs of urban sprawl. |
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Poisoned Waters: What Is the Biggest Polluter of Water?From FRONTLINE Poisoned Waters, this video investigates the impact of agricultural waste on waterways like the Chesapeake Bay. |
6-12 |
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Poisoned Waters: What Warning Signals Does Nature Give Us?From FRONTLINE Poisoned Waters, this video explores nature's warning signals about the impact on humans on the environment. |
6-12 |
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Poisoned Waters: Why Are America's Waterways in Peril?From FRONTLINE Poisoned Waters, this video explores why our American waterways are in peril. |
7-12 |
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Poisoned Waters: Why Is Stormwater Runoff a Major New Threat?From FRONTLINE Poisoned Waters, this video investigates the new environmental threats from stormwater runoff. |
6-12 |
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Poisoned Waters: The Startling New ContaminantsFrom FRONTLINE Poisoned Waters, this video explores startling new contaminants in our drinking water. |
7-12 |
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Radon RadiationThe biggest source of environmental radiation might be in your home. Find out more in this video segment adapted from FRONTLINE. |
6-12 |
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The Rise of Social NetworkingIn this video segment from FRONTLINE: "digital_nation," teens talk about why they use social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook. |
6-12 |
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Should We Grow GM Crops?Learn the pros and cons of genetically modified (GM) crops, and cast your vote on whether they should be grown. From the FRONTLINE/NOVA: "Harvest of Fear" Web site. |
9-12 |
Interactive |
Sick Around the WorldFrom FRONTLINE Sick Around the World, this video explores what the U.S. can learn from other countries' health systems. |
6-12 |
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Snapshot of U.S. Energy UseThis video segment adapted from NOVA/FRONTLINE looks at American
energy consumption and the resulting production of greenhouse gases. |
3-12 |
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Stories in the IceTake a journey back through time, using ice cores to learn about the Earth's climatic history. From the FRONTLINE/NOVA: "What's Up with the Weather?" Web site |
9-12 |
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Stories in the IceTake a journey back through time, on the NOVA/FRONTLINE Web site, using ice cores to learn about Earth's climatic history, including evidence of global warming and nuclear activity. |
6-12 |
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Succeeding in SchoolIn this video segment adapted from FRONTLINE: "Middle School Moment," meet Omarina Cabrera and hear how her school intervened when she began to frequently arrive late, preventing her from dropping out and helping her secure a full scholarship at a competitive high school. |
5-12 |
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Super SalmonThis video segment from FRONTLINE/NOVA: "Harvest of Fear" explores genetic modification of salmon and possible consequences. |
9-12 |
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Taking the Earth's TemperatureThis video segment from FRONTLINE/NOVA: "What's Up with the Weather?" depicts research efforts to record Earth's past and present temperatures shifts. |
9-12 |
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The Teenage BrainWhy do teenagers act the way they do? This video segment from FRONTLINE: "Inside the Teenage Brain" explores the work scientists are doing to explain some of the mysteries of teenage behavior. |
6-8 |
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The Vaccine War: The Growing Debate Over Vaccine SafetyFRONTLINE examines the growing debate over childhood vaccines in The Vaccine War. |
7-12 |
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Viewpoints: Harvest of FearWhat do the experts say about genetically modified (GM) foods? Read these interview excerpts from the FRONTLINE/NOVA: "Harvest of Fear" Web site to find out. |
9-12 |
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What Kind of Cyber Guide are You?In this interactive quiz from FRONTLINE, parents and teachers will explore their media management styles and what kind of approach do they take when it comes to your kids and the Internet? |
4-12 |
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William Julius WilsonIn this 1998 FRONTLINE interview, Harvard sociologist Dr. William Julius Wilson explains why, despite an overall increase in the standard of living among African Americans, a segment of the population is falling farther and farther behind. |
6-12 |
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Wind: Investing in Carbon-Free PowerFrom FRONTLINE Heat, this video examines the role of entrepreneurship in climate change mitigation and how to provide incentives that will spark business innovation. |
11-12 |
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Young and Restless in ChinaFrom FRONTLINE Young and Restless in China, this video explores the costs of work for China's younger generation. |
7-12 |
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Your Carbon DietIn this interactive activity from the NOVA/FRONTLINE Web site, you can click on various items in a typical New England house to find out how much energy each uses and some ways to reduce energy consumption in your home. |
6-12 |
Interactive |