Education Commissioner John King, David Coleman, and Kate Gerson explain every key aspect of Common Core standards in depth. By viewing this 15-part series, New York educators and administrators will learn step-by-step how to implement the Common Core for ELA/Literacy and Math in their schools and classrooms. You’ll also gain a deeper understanding of the rationale behind the Common Core and what it will mean for students across our state.

Common Core in ELA/ Literacy: Shift 3 – Staircase of Complexity

This 15 minute video from EngageNY's Common Core Video Series features a discussion between NYS Commissioner of Education John B. King Jr., David Coleman (contributing author to the Common Core) and Kate Gerson (a Sr. Fellow with the Regents Research Fund) addressing ELA Shift 3 – Staircase of Complexity.


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The Common Core Video Series was produced by EngageNY, the New York State Education Department's Race to the Top initiative, in partnership with WCNY/Syracuse and WNET/New York City.

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